Webinar paint industry

Replay: How to improve output and productivity with net-weight filling machines in Asia?

Webinar paint industry Asia

The paint industry in Asia is constantly moving forward. Faced with growing demand and increasingly stringent environmental regulations, players in this sector are faced with numerous challenges.

Filling products in the paint industry means adapting to the variable properties of the products, the multiplicity of containers, the materials used and the different production output. These products can be dangerous, toxic or even flammable.

In this replay of our webinar, we explored the key issues you’re facing in Asian countries:

  • What are the different filling technologies in the Paint Industry?
  • Optimizing production processes: How to enhance the efficiency, precision and flexibility of your production lines while reducing costs and waste?
  • Which filling technologies to choose?
  • Real success cases

You fill paints, inks, coatings, lacquers, varnishes, wood protection products, thinners, solvents, and you want to know more about the right technologies to adopt? Watch this replay!

Complete the form and watch the replay!

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Experienced professional with strong technical background and more than 20 years history in packaging machinery. During the last 5 years he is more specifically developing the PAINT&COATING Market for PACKR weigh-filling and capping solutions.

Leading the Pack’R Asia team based in Singapore. Experienced professional with a strong technical background in packaging machinery, with more than 25 years supporting customers around Asia.

Pack Expo Atlanta 2025


Pack Expo Atlanta 2025

PACK’R will be exhibiting at PACK EXPO, Atlanta, from 10th to 12th March 2025. Visit us on booth 1524 to explore our USA-assembled filling machines and our latest technological advancements. To arrange a demonstration of our net-weight filler or discuss our services, please complete the form below.

Click here for show details.

Discover our drums and totes filling machines

Our FLEXEO-P is capable of filling a diverse range of drums on pallets, from 5 to 55 gallons, as well as various IBCs and totes. Assembled at our Atlanta facility, this semi-automatic filler can be supplied as a standalone unit, with conveyors, or on a mobile base. Typical output is 40 drums or 10/12 IBC totes per hour.

Discover our semi-automatic filling machine for bottles, jerrycans and pails

Our FLEXEO-S is capable of filling a diverse range of bottles and jerrycans from 0.1 to 6.5 gallons. This semi-automatic filler is available in two configurations with one or two filling stations. The machine's output is 8 bottles per minute.


Meet us at Pack Expo Atlanta

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Enhancing safety and quality: ATEX filling machine certification

In the world of manufacturing, safety and quality are paramount considerations. This is especially true in industries where hazardous materials are filled. As companies strive to meet stringent safety standards while maintaining efficiency, the adoption of ATEX- certified machinery has become increasingly prevalent, particularly in the filling machine market.


ATEX, derived from the French “Atmosphères Explosibles,” is a certification that ensures packaging equipment such as Filler-Cappers or pallet drum filling equipments are designed and manufactured to operate safely in potentially explosive atmospheres. In the context of filling machine manufacturing, ATEX certified machines play a crucial role in safeguarding both operators and products.

For decades, PACK’R has been forefront in designing semi-automatic and fully automatic ATEX filling machines for flammable liquid products. Renowned for its commitment to quality and innovation, PACKR has established itself as a trusted leader in the field, delivering filling solutions that operate reliably in challenging & explosive environments.  Whether PACKR filling machines for jerrycans or drums are used in chemical plants, agrochemical or food processing plants, they must also withstand exposure to potentially corrosive or abrasive and/or flammable materials.

PACK’R liquid filling machines are constructed with robust materials and feature specialized design elements (fume exhaust system on filling nozzles, grounding system) that minimize the likelihood of ignition sources coming into contact with flammable substances and products.

1. What are the benefits of ATEX Certifications?

  • Enhanced Safety:  ATEX-certified equipment ensures a higher level of safety, reducing the risk of explosions and protecting staff.
  • Legal Compliance: Achieving certification demonstrates compliance with stringent safety standards and regulatory requirements.
  • Operational efficiency

2. How do I know if an equipment is designed for an ATEX area?

Equipment, whether electrical or non-electrical (pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical, etc.), installed in areas at risk of explosion, as well as protection systems, must be appropriate to the type of area concerned.

The equipment is identified by a specific marking consisting of letters and numbers of the following type:

  • Equipment group (depending on location, I for mines or II for surface industries)
  • Category (1, 2 or 3)
  • Atmosphere type (G for gases/vapors or D for dusts)
  • Ex explosion protection marking
  • CE marking
  • Notified body number

Example of a marking plate for a PACK'R automatic PULSA-S10 Filler Capper in ATEX Design

Example of a marking plate for a PACK’R automatic PULSA-S10 Filler Capper in ATEX Design

3. How do you define an ATEX area?

Hazardous locations are classified as ATEX areas. There are 6 areas (zones) based on frequency and duration of the presence of an explosive atmosphere:

Gas/vapor zone:

  • Zone 0: atmosphere present permanently or for long periods during normal operation
  • Zone 1: explosive atmosphere occasionally present during normal operation
  • Zone 2: explosive atmosphere present accidentally in the event of a malfunction or for a short period.

Dust Zone:

  • Zone 20: explosive atmosphere present permanently or for long periods during normal operation
  • Zone 21: explosive atmosphere occasionally present during normal operation
  • Zone 22: explosive atmosphere present accidentally in the event of malfunction or for short periods

4. How PACK'R gets ATEX Certification for its liquid filling machine?

  • Identify Applicable Directive:  Determine the relevant directive (2014/34/EU) and understand its requirements.
  • Risk Assessment: Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify explosive atmospheres and potential ignition sources (Electrical and non-electrical elements) according to ATEX Standards
  • Hazardous Area Classification: Classify Filling & Capping equipment based on ATEX categories and zones to ensure proper usage in specific environments.
  • Documentation: Prepare technical documentation demonstrating compliance with ATEX requirements.
  • Testing and Assessment: Audit & Certification by a notified body
  • CE Marking:  Affix the marking, conformity based on unit verification
  • Declaration of Conformity:  Issue a Declaration of Conformity, declaring that PACKR filling and capping machine meets ATEX requirements

example of PACK'R declaration of conformity

Example of PACK’R declaration of conformity

5. Are PACK'R filling and capping machines EX-Proof certified for the North American market?

ATEX certification is specific to the European Union and is not directly applicable in the United States.

Approving an Ex-Proof filling machine for use in America involves navigating different Standards and certification bodies.

Due to its strong presence on the US market through its American subsidiary in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, PACK’R filler-cappers for hazardous locations are compliant with the US Safety standards (HAZLOC Standards) and among others OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)  and NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code NEC) regulations.

NEC Classifications differ from ATEX zones and are described as followed:

Class I, Division 1: Ignitable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors are present continuously or frequently

Class I, Division 2: Ignitable concentrations are not likely during normal operation but may occur under abnormal conditions

Groups: Further subdivided into groups (e.g. Group A, B, C, D) based on the specific hazardous substances present.

Certifying an explosion-proof filling machine for use in the US involves a detailed process of understanding standards, selecting a certification body (such as UL or QPS), preparing documentation, undergoing testing and ensuring proper installation following NEC guidelines.

Example of PACK'R's certificate of compliance - UL Drum filler

Examples of PACK’R Liquid Filling Equipment in ATEX Environnement

Watch our video: Monobloc Filling and capping machine REVO-S:

Main REVO-S characteristics:

  • Product: Liquid concentrates in the food industry
  • Output: 22 containers per minute
  • Containers: 10 L Jerrycan

Watch our video: Pallet drum semi-automatic Filling machine FLEXEO-P

Main FLEXEO-P characteristics:

  • Product: solvent base paint
  • Output: 40 drums per hour
  • Containers: 200 L drums

Discover our complete range of semi-automatic and automatic filler capper.

Would you like to get more information from our Experts or discuss a project study, feel free to contact us sales@packr.com

Céline Leduc

Céline Leduc

Sales Executive with more than 15 years experience in the packaging industry

Contact the expert

pack expo chicago 2024-EN


pack expo chicago 2024-EN

PACK'R is pleased to announce our attendance at PACK EXPO, taking place from the 3rd to the 6th of November 2024 in Chicago. Visit us at booth N6334, Perimeter Wall, to explore our range of filling machines manufactured in the USA and discover our latest technologies. If you wish to schedule a meeting with us during the event for a presentation of our net-weight filler or to discuss our services, kindly complete the form below.

Click here for show details.

Discover our drums and totes filling machines

Our FLEXEO-P has the capability to fill various drums on pallets ranging from 5 to 55 gallons, as well as different IBC and totes. Manufactured at our facility in Atlanta, this semi-automatic filler is available as a standalone unit, with conveyors, or on a movable base. The average output rate is 40 drums or 10/12 IBC totes per hour.



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Interpack 2023

INTERPACK 2023, We'll be there

Let's meet us at INTERPACK, Hall 12 Booth 23!

Logo Interpack 2023

PACK’R is waiting for this event for a long time now and here we are. For this year’s edition, PACK’R will welcome you in Hall 12 Booth 23. Looking for filling and capping solutions for your products ? PACK’R technologies will meet your exact requirements. From the simple machine to the complete production line, our team will be at your side to support you !

Come and tell us your future needs :

  • What you’re currently filling?
  • What kind of product is it (explosive, viscosity, corrosiveness …)?
  • What container do you have?
  • What speed do you need?
  • How can we assist you with your project?

Book a slot for a meeting at INTERPACK!

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Why come and meet us at Interpack ?

Expert in the design and manufacture of liquid filling equipment, PACK’R propose two new innovative technologies that will help you to improve and optimize your process. Close to these clients and in line with market demand, Fill & Clean technology and Flex & Play technology will be presented at Interpack thanks to the mixed reality !

  • Fill & Clean technology : This is a self-cleaning technology. With this automatic process, no operator needs to open the doors of the machine. In addition, as there is no production stop during the cleaning, this is a significant time saving. Our Fill and Clean technology uses little cleaning fluid. Indeed, it works as we shake water in a bottle to clean it.
  • Flex & Play Technology : Our machines can adapt to many sizes of cylindrical containers thanks to this technology. The same tool is used for different diameters without additional cost for format change. The Flex and Play will be a guaranted time saver for ever more efficient production !

Discover those 2 technologies on booth !

Our next trade shows

2022-2023 trade shows dates

Our teams will be present at various international trade fairs. Come to meet us, discover our machines and our latest technologies.

Here are the next trade shows we will participate:




????  Bangkok, Thailand

????15-18 June 2022






????  Chicago, USA

???? 23-26 October 2022






????  Paris, France

???? 21-24 November 2022






????  Düsseldorf, Germany

???? 4-10 May 2023

Meet us at Propak Asia - June 2022


Propak Asia is the leading Asian trade event  for processing and packaging technology.

The 29th International exhibition will be held from June 15th to 18th at the Bangkok International Trade Exhibition Center (BITEC) in Thailand.

You could meet us and we will have the pleasure to introduce to you our filling and capping machines.

Come to discover our latest technologies and exchange with us on your projects.
We will offer you all our expertise and know how to answer all your needs.

You can contact us at sales.asia@packr.com

PACK'R Asia new premises

PACK'R ASIA has moved!

The whole team now welcomes you in brand new premises, located at Block 4010 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10, # 05-01 TECHPLACE 1, Singapore.
A new workshop and spacious offices to welcome employees and customers in a pleasant environment.




The phone numbers remain the same.
Contact : +65 6752 4840 / sales.asia@packr.com

CSR approach

CSR approach: our commitments

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): what is it?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) also called Corporate Social Responsibility is defined as “the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental concerns into their business operations and their interaction with their stakeholders”, according to the European Commission.

CSR approach

PACK’R is a highly technological company with a vision and anchored values.

The challenges of sustainable development defined by CSR are integrated into the management of our business with the aim of having a positive impact on society.

We also share commitments and behaviors to ensure the well-being of everyone and the future of the company, which must constantly inspire us and guide our actions.

These commitments set out in our ethical charter are notably part of a CSR approach that PACK’R has initiated since 2016. They are articulated around 3 pillars:

RSE engagement sociétal

Social and societal commitment

  • Ensure the health and safety of everyone
  • Respecting people, their privacy and their opinions, refusing intolerance, discrimination, harassment or violence
  • Promote dialogue, trust and team spirit
  • Recognize know-how, develop skills

RSE engagement environnemental

Environmental commitment

  • Acting to protect the environment by controlling risks, limiting energy concumption and promoting waste recycling.
  • Innovate, develop and use technologies likely to limit the environmental impact of our machines, processes and equipment.

RSE engagement éthique

Ethical commitment

  • Act with integrity and exemplarity by excluding fraud and corruption in all areas.
  • Respect the company’s assests, protect the confidentiality of its information, respect its rules.
  • Protect the company’s image with our partners, customers, suppliers, in the media and on social networks.

Social and societal commitment

Index of professionnal equality*

The Professional Equality Index is a tool designed to assess companies’ performance in terms of equality between men and women in the workplace. It comprises a number of criteria measuring pay gaps, parity in promotions, access to positions of responsibility, and other aspects of career management. The aim is to foster transparency, encourage companies to reduce inequalities and promote a more inclusive and equitable work culture.

The index is a concrete way of measuring progress and identifying actions to be taken to improve the situation. It enables the company to make an active commitment to professional equality and to meet legal requirements, while contributing to greater internal cohesion.

*For companies with 50 to 250 employees

Gender equality index

Système de dosage pondéral

Dosing of liquid products - Weight dosing

Dosing of liquid products: which methods? Focus on weight dosing

Because dosing is a key step in the filling of liquid products, the two are sometimes confused in the common language of professionals. In practice, weight dosing is also called “weight filling”.

With an inaccurate dosing system, a filler-capper with an output of 120 packages/minute operating 24 hours a day, more than 8 liters of product will have been over or under dosed. When it comes to high value-added liquid products, the financial losses can be colossal.

What is batching?

In the packaging machinery industry for liquid products, there are 4 dosing methods:

  • Volumetric dosing
  • The debimetric dosing
  • Visual dosing
  • The weight dosing

The weight filling, also called gravity dosing, is a method to measure the quantity of a product by its weight. In the market of packaging solutions for liquid products, which includes foaming products, viscous products and products with a higher or lower density, weight dosing allows for precise filling thanks to a physical unit of measurement: the kilogram.

In fact, this method is suitable for all types of products and depends only on the machine’s scale. We use our patented “µPACKR” solution as a precise weight measurement. The weighing is subject to legal metrology.

Système de dosage pondéral

Eliminating the discrepancies between the calculated quantity and the actual quantity delivered, the weight dosing allows :

  • A bette follow-up the production ;
  • A increase in Filling quality;
  • A reduction of the marginal costs of the company.

At PACK’R, we have privileged the weight filling for :

  • Its adaptation to the industries of our customers (Agrochemistry; Chemistry; Petrochimistry; Vegetable oils; Paint; Food);
  • Its high dosing precision ;
  • Its precise dosage, not affected by temperature variations ;
  • Its economy of product because no overfilling ;
  • The availability of legal metrology

Flexeo-P machine

FLEXEO-P : Our semi-automatic filling solution

Discover our semi-automatic filling solution for Buckets / Jerrycans and Drums / IBC

Discover our last realization, the FLEXEO-P with U-shaped conveyor which will be installed soon for one of our customers in the field of painting in the United States (design in ATEX for this application).

This semi-automatic filling and capping machine for drums on pallets will allow you to work with all types of products in optimal safety conditions.
The FLEXEO-P machine can fill buckets, jerrycans, drums and IBCs from 20 L to 1000 L in a semi-automatic way. It combines flexibility, compactness and ease of use.

Flexeo-P machine

The advantages:

  • No handling of heavy loads
  • Containers from 20 L to 1000 L
  • Reduction of non-productive times
  • Safety assured for the operators with ATEX realizations
  • Automatic drip tray
  • Legal metrology
  • Simple cleaning system with “Clean in Place

We can integrate many additional equipments, such as the U-shaped conveyor, in order to offer you a complete “turnkey” installation or to make your installation evolve according to your needs.
Our team is at your disposal to discuss your projects, answer your questions and advise you.